Top-10 Corporate Tweeps – A World To Win

You Tube Twitter Stats 2014Trendwatchers worldwide have predicted a worldwide embrace of social media for a while now. I was triggered again when ‘social travel’ appeared in the top-5 travel trends for 2014 recently. So if this ‘social’ thing is so trendy, we should see the corporate world jumping this bandwagon in massive numbers. Just out of curiosity I decided to find the 10 largest corporate accounts on Twitter. I used a very wide definition of corporate, as “any account not related to a private person or small group of private persons, like a band”. As we all know, the vast majority of the top-100 tweeps consists of singers, actors, sportscelebrities and other famous people. Continue reading

Outreach from Space: The ISS Effect

First tweet from spaceJust like many of you I have been following many astronauts during training, mission, return and whatever happens after return. For us spacetweeps it is great to see what it means to be an astronaut. What happens during training, how they prepare for their work in space and the launch, how they experience their time in space and how they communicate with those of us that stay behind on the planet? Obviously social media is the perfect way to keep this communication channel open throughout this entire process. We love to follow our astro_’s on Twitter! Continue reading

NASA’s new Social Media Press Credentials Model

NASA Tweetup signSocial media is one of the fastest evolving media channels in society. Tools and methods seem to success each other at ever increasing rates, making it difficult to stay on top of the latest, even for the social media savvy readers of this blog. In the space community this evolution has largely been driven by NASA. After organizing the first space-related tweetup at JPLin January of 2009, NASA continued to embrace and include the social media community in its public outreach and communication strategy. Continue reading

SpaceTweeps meet in Cologne: #SpaceKoelsch

SpaceKoelschAfter the great success of the first European #SpaceTweetup, a bunch of European spacetweeps, led by DLR social media editor @HenningKrause, decided to start the new year with a new tweetup. More a networking event than a tweetup, it became the sequel to #SpaceKoelsch. Last September this was the pre-party to the ESA/DLR #Spacetweetup. Now the event in a typical Cologne beerhall became the main event itself. #SpaceKoelsch 2 was born! Continue reading

Twitter als online conferentieplatform in toerisme – de #tourismchat

Sinds ongeveer anderhalf jaar vindt elke twee weken een virtuele conferentie voor professionals in de toerisme sector plaats op Twitter. Door gebruik te maken van een  zogenaamde hashtag kan iedereen door middel van verschillende tools eenvoudig alle berichten over een bepaald onderwerp filteren en volgen, zolang alle deelnemers deze hashtag in hun berichten meenemen. Continue reading

Trekhaak Gezocht – Van tweet tot Istanbul

Het is de eerste week na nieuwjaar 2010. De week waarin het jaar met een schone lei begint en het nog alle kanten op kan. Ik lees een klein artikeltje in een ANWB kampeerblad. Het gaat over een Utrechtse muzikant die met zijn caravan, maar zonder auto richting Turkije reist. Een soort liften-met-handicap. En hij begint in een periode dat ook de kleine caravan-minded minderheid van de bevolking er niet over peinst om ook maar iets met de caravan te gaan doen, middenin de winter. Continue reading