Just like many of you I have been following many astronauts during training, mission, return and whatever happens after return. For us spacetweeps it is great to see what it means to be an astronaut. What happens during training, how they prepare for their work in space and the launch, how they experience their time in space and how they communicate with those of us that stay behind on the planet? Obviously social media is the perfect way to keep this communication channel open throughout this entire process. We love to follow our astro_’s on Twitter! Continue reading
Zoo calling Space
Space events are everywhere. But even the more seasoned space enthusiast will not easily end up at a zoo. Yesterday Artis Amsterdam Zoo organized a live inflight call with ESA astronaut André Kuipers. As it happens, André Kuipers is a fan and ambassador of the zoo. He even took the zoo mascotte ‘Artis de Marsis’ up into the ISS with him. To honor this good relationship between the zoo and ‘its’ astronaut, the zoo organized a live connection with ISS for zoo friends and local schools. Continue reading
Space 2.0
Triggered by the Space 2.0 LinkedIn group I wrote this blog post, investigating what 2.0 means in space exploration. It is interesting to see the 2.0-hype spread over all aspects of society these days. It is being used for anything slightly futuristic, regardless whether it is really something new. And with the widespread of the term 2.0, newer developments are now slated 3.0 or even higher. So what is ‘Space 2.0′ really? Continue reading
2011: Mijn top-5 van een historisch ruimtevaartjaar
Een typisch oudejaarsblog, zo op de laatste dag van het jaar. Nog even terugkijken voordat we met goede moed aan een nieuw jaar beginnen. Voor mij was 2011 het jaar van de herontdekking van mijn ruimtevaartpassie. Als kleine jongen was ik gefascineerd door de ruimtevaart. De lancering van de eerste Space Shuttle in 1981 was het hoogtepunt van deze periode en ook de SpaceLab missie van Wubbo Ockels in 1985 staat me nog duidelijk voor ogen. Daarna werd ik zo afgeleid door dingen als puberteit, studiekeuze, carrière en gezin, dat de ruimtevaart naar de achtergrond verdween.